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cane sugar artinya

contoh kalimat "cane sugar"
  • "How Cane Sugar is Made - the Basic Story".
    "Bagaimana Gula Dimurnikan - Proses Dasar".
  • It is also possible to add cane sugar.
    Juga dimungkinkan untuk menambahkan gula tebu.
  • “Daichi wo Mamoru kai” Kikai-island limited cane sugar 1kg
    “Suzuran zirushi” Hokkaido superfine sugar 1kg (non-bleaching)
  • Havana Cane Sugar & Lime 12 x 0,33l Dosen
    Jack Daniels Whiskey & Cola 12 x 0,33l Dosen
  • 1. Choose a total of three tablespoons of whole cane sugar.
    1. Pilih sejumlah tiga sudu besar gula tebu.
  • Soluble Nutritious Dried Soya Milk Powder Without Extra Cane Sugar Added
    Larut Bergizi Bubuk Susu Kedelai Kering Tanpa Gula Ekstra Tebu
  • 3.3, Edible oil purification 3.4, Corn and cane sugar decolorization
    3.3, Pemurnian minyak yang dapat dimakan 3.4, Dekolorisasi gula jagung dan tebu
  • Custom Printed Zipper Closure Resealable Stand Up Pouches For Cane Sugar
    Ritsleting kustom dicetak Zipper ditutup kembali Stand Up kantong untuk tebu
  • Reusable Kraft Pater Ziplock Stand Up Pouches For Cane Sugar Pink
    Reusable Kraft Pater Ziplock Stand Up Pouch Untuk Tebu Gula Merah Muda
  • Pink Reusable Kraft Paper pouch with zipper , Cane Sugar Zippered Pouch
    kantong merah muda Reusable Kraft Kertas dengan ritsleting, Cane Sugar ritsleting Pouch
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3
    Kata benda
  • sugar from sugarcane used as sweetening agent

  • sucrose obtained from sugar cane